@article{357, keywords = {paper}, author = {Conor Hogan and D Paget and OE Tereshchenko and Lucia Reining and G Onida}, title = {Optical anisotropy induced by cesium adsorption on the As-rich c(2X8) reconstruction of GaAs(001)}, abstract = {Upon adsorption of Cs, the As-rich c(2 X 8)/(2 X 4) reconstruction of GaAs(001) is found to exhibit an intense negative signal between 3 eV and 5 eV in the reflectance anisotropy spectrum. This signal has a universal character in that similar features also appear on the Ga-rich surface. The mechanism of this signal is interpreted using ab initio calculations of Cs adsorption at As and Ga sites of the As-rich surface. The calculations succeed in explaining the universality of the signal. In the vicinity of the E-0\textquoteright bulk critical point at 4.5 eV, the signal arises from perturbation of bulk states terminating at the surface. At lower energies, the signal arises from the creation of new surface resonances induced by the Cs adatom.}, year = {2004}, journal = {Phys. Rev. B}, volume = {69}, number = {12}, pages = {125332}, month = {MAR}, publisher = {AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC}, address = {ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.69.125332}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.69.125332}, }